From 1992 to 1999, French sailor Roger Lextrait was the manager of the Palmyra Atoll. He ensured visiting ships and their crews respected the plants and animals, as well as caring for the land and helped facilitate various projects related to its cleanup and improvement.
This video shows Roger touring the atoll and its features, describing his life there for the last 6 years. For the majority of his time on Palmyra he lived alone, and would often go months at a time without any visitors. Most of the facilities and materials on the atoll, as shown in the video, were leftover from the US Navy's WW2 construction projects and occupation of the atoll.Special thanks to Honolulu Magazine, copyright owners of the article, for giving permission to share it as part of our archive.
This material was scanned and catalogued as part of the Palmyra Atoll Digital Archive project, the largest collection of materials related to the history of Palmyra, from its discovery by western explorers in 1798, until its sale to the Nature Conservancy in 2001. You can connect with PADA, and learn more about Palmyra and our passion for its history, by visiting our website,